Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Face Up to Looking After Your Face

Maintaining a healthy complexion is all about the things that you do on a daily basis. If you really want your face to look its best all the time, you need to get into a routine that leaves it glowing. Here, we are going to talk you through a few of the main factors involved in this routine. None of these things seem overly complicated, to begin with, but together, they can combine to have a big effect on your most important feature.

Get into a Good Cleansing Routine

Despite common misconceptions, the more you clean your face doesn't necessarily mean the better it will look. In fact, over-washing could end up having a detrimental effect. Twice a day - once in the morning and once in the afternoon - should be enough. Deciding on which products you use really depends on your skin type and acne severity. As a great all-around solution, take a look at If you have more sensitive skin, you should opt for a gentler product, and the opposite if your skin is not so sensitive. If you prefer an organic solution, lemon juice, dandelion sap, and honey are three ingredients which have proven to be effective.              

Moisturize Daily

Moisturizing on a daily basis is especially important if you have dry skin, but in truth, it is something that everyone should be doing regardless. The type of product that you choose really depends on your skin type. It makes sense that you moisturize once in the morning at once at night, just the same as your cleansing routine. When you are asleep, your skin cells are performing essential repair work, and the products that you apply before bed make a big difference to boosting their efforts.

Drink Water throughout the Day

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Your body needs plenty of water for all sorts of reasons, and keeping your skin looking at its freshest is just one of them. Get into a habit of drinking water on a regular basis. Maybe you could set a reminder on your phone to give you a little push in the right direction. Carrying around a refillable water bottle is also a good habit to form. Keeping well-hydrated helps to remove wastes and oils from your face. If you need a benchmark to aim for, eight glasses per day is a good one.

Don’t Touch Your Face

A lot of people touch their face without really thinking about it, but this is something that you should try to avoid as much as possible. The oil on your hands can end up clogging your pores and increasing blemishes on your face. If you catch yourself touching your face in any way, try to make a conscious effort to stop doing this. Another tip related to this area is to change your pillowcase on a regular basis. The oils that linger on the fabric can get onto your face during the night.

Look After Your Lips

It is especially important during the winter months that you use a hydrator regularly as this is when your lips are most likely to get dry and chapped. A simple sugar-and-water solution will remove dead cells and rejuvenate your lips. However, when it comes to chapstick, this is something that you should avoid overusing as much as possible. Otherwise, your lips will become so used to the chemicals that they will stop making any of their own!

Wear Sunblock on a Daily Basis

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 You may think that sunblock is only for the days that you are lying out on the beach for hours on end, but in actuality, you should be applying it on a daily basis. Continued exposure to UV rays will damage your skin over time in both minor and major ways. You should use a good sunscreen regularly, and applying makeup or moisturizer with an SPF factor ensures that you have that added level of protection. You could also cover up your skin with clothing to keep it out of the sun entirely.

So, there you have six ways that you can better look after your face. Though you may have already known about these techniques, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded, and it may have given you the push you needed to incorporate them into your beauty routine on a regular basis.  

Thanks for reading!

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This post was written by a contributing author in collaboration with

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