Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Inspiring Ways to Get More Exercise: 6 Ideas That Will Motivate You

Image Source: Valeria Ushakova on Pexels


More often than not, we find it difficult to stay consistent with our exercise routine. Some days are easier than others and some goals need more effort than others in order to attain them. Even the most committed exercisers have days where they feel unmotivated or overwhelmed with all of life’s little things. When this happens, it can be challenging to continue working out for the long term, but exercise is one of the top ways to combat stress. So, if you are feeling unmotivated or if you just need a little extra push, here are some ways that will help you get more exercise:

Make working out part of your routine

Choose to make working out a routine and make it part of your everyday life. You can do this by making it a part of your morning routine. If you are like most people, your first priority is getting yourself ready for the day. Therefore, making time for working out is going to be a difficult thing to do. However, if working out is the first thing you do in the morning, then you’re done with it and ready to start your day. When you make working out a habit, it is going to become less of a chore and more of a necessity.

Exercise with a friend

If you are looking for a new way to get more exercise, why not consider working out with a friend? This can be a perfect opportunity to motivate one another, while also helping to alleviate some of the pressure that comes from working out alone. When you exercise with a friend, it can be a great way to make the most of your time. This is especially helpful for those who are looking to make their workouts more fun.

Do a belly workout (yoga, Pilates, or weight training)

Daily workouts should be short, intense, and focused on specific parts of your body. Belly workouts are a fun and often a relaxing way to incorporate some form of exercise into your day without spending a ton of time and energy. There are lots of beginner yoga exercises to choose from if you don’t know where to start.

Take a walk outside

Try to take a walk outside at least once a day. Even if you walk for just five minutes, this will help to keep your blood flowing and get you out of the house. If you have a specific place that you like to walk, you can use this as a way to make it a part of your exercise routine. If you do not have a specific place that you like to walk, consider walking around your neighborhood or a nearby park. Daily walks can be a great way to get your heart rate up and boost endorphin production.

Try a gym membership

A gym membership may not be something you think you need, but it might be the push that you need to get more exercise. Now may be a good time to try a month-long membership at a gym like Fitness 19 to see how you like it before committing to a longer membership. Funnily enough, spending money on a gym membership can make you more likely to actually make use of it.

Track your progress and set short-term goals

One final thing that can help you to get more exercise is to track your progress. This can be a great way to see how far you have come and it can also be a great way to motivate yourself to keep going. To track your progress, try writing down your weight every few weeks or keeping track of how many push-ups, sit-ups, or squats you do each day. This can be a great way to see how far you have come and it can also be a great way if you need a little push to keep going.

Thanks for reading!

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This post was written by a contributing author in collaboration with

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